“Princess & the pee”

best of weird

I had a dream where I was a princess and he was a commoner. He took me away from my life cooped up in the palace and I was free, freer than ever before as we rode away on a white horse. Then we dismounted in a secluded glade, and he started peeing on my feet. No matter where I moved or how I tried to get away, he kept pissing on my feet and laughing at how upset I was getting. Things have been going downhill for a while, but I woke up with a light bulb over my head after that.


Aftermath: The end is in sight.

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“Pillow mint”


He started pulling a pillow between us whenever we slept. He said he didn’t want me to get offended by his breath. Oh come on.


Aftermath: It ended after a month.

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“Kimmy Gibbler”


One night I realized that my South African boyfriends’ accent annoyed me more than Kimmy Gibbler annoyed Danny Tanner on “Full House.” He realized that I hated him and broke up with me on G-chat that night


Aftermath: My best friend de-friended him on Facebook and told him to go “stoff himself.”

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“Breast Milk”

best of sex

We went on a date despite the fact that she had just given birth three months ago (I didn’t ask and didn’t care). We were making out in my car and she kept complaining that her boobs hurt when she didn’t “remove” the milk. She asked me if I wanted to see them. As a guy, I would NEVER turn down the sight of boobs. I thought it was an invitation to upcoming sex, but I was DEAD wrong. She relieved herself by squirting milk all over the inside of my car, dashboard, rear-view mirror…


Aftermath: Ever try scrubbing breast milk off the inside of your car? Didn’t think so.

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“ABBA and Liza”

best of secrets!

I couldn’t believe I had found a guy who shared my appreciation of ABBA and Liza Minnelli…until he told me “I’m not straight, but don’t worry, I don’t actually want to sleep with guys.”


Aftermath: He lost his beard that day. He still can’t understand why I won’t just look past his orientation.

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