“Leg shaver”


He said he shaves his legs because he likes the feel of it and women tell him it drives them wild.


Aftermath: It remains to be seen.

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“Completing the Family”

best of sex

He brought his ex-wife to our dinner date. Not only was her name the same as mine, but he explained that they were looking to complete their family. He then proceeded to tell me the rules of the house and punishment for breaking those rules (something about flogging). Yeah, that wasn’t happening.


Aftermath: They are still looking for their third!

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“My first fiancé”


I knew my first fiancé wasn’t for me when, a week after my grandfather died, he asked me, “Are you not over it yet?”


Aftermath: Sadly, I didn’t take the hint. I later discovered he slept with the holiday rep on a holiday I paid for. He was promptly dumped and then had the balls to stalk me for 18 months!

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“LSAT sleepover”


The night before the LSAT exam, my boyfriend drove his fancy car to my place instead of his Mazda, even though I live in a shady neighborhood. He kept me up all night because he would look out the window at every noise he heard to make sure the car was OK. Took the LSAT on 0 hours of sleep. The next day, having taken the LSAT and having been awake for 40 hours, I escorted him and his family to a tractor pull at a county fair. He whined that I was selfish and never did what he wants to do.


Aftermath: Three to four weeks later. LSAT results were in. I ended up getting 11 points lower than I had ever gotten on my lowest practice LSAT— all because I was sleep deprived because of his stupid car.

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“Watch me spin”

manners secrets!

I saw a message from a girl on my boyfriend’s MySpace page in which she said mean things about me and called him “better than me.” His response to the message was, “Thanx, come watch me spin at the club.”


Aftermath: It ended many times after that,  off-and-on ’cause he kept weaseling his way back into my life.

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