“Liar, Liar, Pants on FIRE”

best of secrets!

I found out that she gave me herpes knowingly and proceeded to lie about it for 6 months. She even let me go through the motions of letting me call people I was with before to tell them they may be at risk.


Aftermath: I, like a fool, tried to forgive her. It was impossible. Also, she lied about sleeping with my best friend, and gave him herpes, too.

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“Lost erection”


This may sound superficial & selfish but my moment came when he couldn’t get it up…I am a very sexual person & not having compatibility in this arena–it’s a major deal breaker. I tried dealing with it, but after a while I just couldn’t. It started out great, his sex drive was right there along with mine but then it kinda slowed down a bit & then the lost erection thing started…that was it!


Aftermath: The relationship ended 2 days after our last attempt. The funny thing is that he blamed this on me for, get this, being too pretty & sensual for him…WTF? How is that even a reason? Sigh…

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“Get out of MY house”

best of secrets!

Three days after moving into a house we bought together (with my money), I found his online dating profile on the computer. He had been with someone just two days before we moved in together. He said we weren’t in a committed relationship until we physically moved in together????


Aftermath: It took 7 months, a call for help to the police and the threat of a restraining order to get his name off the title of my house.

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“Waiting for karma”

best of manners

Broke up with a guy I dated long distance because his religion would never accept me & I wanted the best for him. Months later & still heart broken, I was in his city so I called him. We ended up having amazing sex. Later we went out with friends. He sat across from me when a girl sat next to him, put her leg on his, rubbed his bald head, fed him French fries and watched porn on his phone while being only a centimeter away from his face. We left the place while they walked arm in arm.


Aftermath: We talked weeks later & when I raged he said I nag, didn’t think I cared and that I’m addicted to negativity. I realized I was a piece of meat. Waiting for karma to kick in.

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best of chemistry

I met my boyfriend at a New Year’s party and found out right after our first kiss that we lived over an hour apart. But I thought, no big deal. Nine months later, when he made it very clear he was never leaving his childhood town and there was no way I was moving up there, it kind of spelled the end.


Aftermath: Men would rather chew off their own arm than come out and say “This isn’t going anywhere.” So I had to make the call, which sucked because I still think he’s unbelievably attractive!

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