“Skinny jean deal-breaker”


After complaining to me that he had no money to take me out for my birthday. He proceeds to buy a pair of shoes, jacket, shirt and two pairs of jeans, one of which was a pair of skinny jeans.

— Dealbreaker

Aftermath: No guy should ever wear skinny jeans. I ended it a few days later.

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After four months of living together sex STOPPED. One night I came out of the shower and straddled him. He was STILL not paying attention to me, and asked if we could do this later.

— jadedkandy

Aftermath: The break up was messy. We haven’t talked since.

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“Erasing His Memory”

best of secrets!

He failed to mention that he bought a new house across the country and was moving a month after I’d had his name tattooed on me.

— Anonymous

Aftermath: After 8 laser removal treatments I’m still trying to erase his memory.

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“Feminine qualities”


One night he blurted out “Just because I have feminine qualities doesn’t mean I’m gay!”

— Liza

Aftermath: I got a divorce. I don’t recall ever challenging his manhood…but that would explain a lot.

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“Wished they were me,”


On a date he saw that I was dancing with someone else. He drove us home in complete silence and told me he wasted his Friday night and had other women who wished they were me.

— done w men

Aftermath: He sent me texts that we should at least try to be f*** buddies.

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