

It was over when I found out that he was offering our bathtub to a very good friend, saying, “Tomorrow is good, Jules is gonna be at work…”

Good thing she told me…


Aftermath: It ended right there after 4 years. He tried to make up and even called my landlord, my mom and my best friend!

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“Suspicious Minds.”


We were engaged. One night he went to a party. He didn’t come back until 8 the next morning. He said he was too drunk to make it home, and I understood. Three weeks later he tells me that he ended up sleeping next to some girl, but nothing happened. When I asked why he didn’t initially tell me, he claimed he was too scared that I’d be mad.

Aftermath: I found out he was cheating on me. I ended up dating an awesome guy, and we’re still together four years later.

My ex is in a shitty marriage with an abusive woman.

He still calls me. I never answer.

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“Night Terrors”


Came home one evening to be with my girl Jill. She left me later that night because I woke up screaming.

—Some Guy

Aftermath: I wish I didn’t lose my right hand by cutting it off during my sleep. (Joke obviously)

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“Best friends?”


My best friend took my virginity. We were secretly a couple for the next five months. He texted me saying he wanted to take a break. Three days later he drunk dialed me to tell me it was over, he loved me, but wanted to f*ck this hot chick at his gym.


Aftermath: We are still best friends but I am still in love with him. I hate the fugly pig whore from the gym who is now his girlfriend. He tells me he loves me every day.

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“MCAT: 45, Emotional Intelligence: 0.”


We dated for two years, and then he told me he didn’t love me “as much” anymore. Instead of cutting my losses there, I decided the smart decision was to have my soul crushed more in a “booty call” 3rd year. Finally, after I had done 3 years of his homework, he decided that he “didn’t care about me at all anymore” and dumped me.


Aftermath: We haven’t talked for a month, but greet each other awkwardly in run-ins on the street and at the library.

I still haven’t moved on, but I think he’s dating someone new already. I hope she’s smart enough to do his homework too…

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