

It was over when I found him outside my bedroom window listening to my phone conversations.


Aftermath: After 4 years, he still tries to see me. WEIRDO.

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“Fine, Fly away!”


I knew it was over when he called me while drunk on the 4th of July to tell me that we were on a break for the rest of the summer but wouldl remain friends. He decided this. Then proceeded to tell me he needed to be like an eagle and fly away. This is the 5th time he’s run away.


Aftermath: After all the sh*t you’ve put me through I can honestly say I hope that, as you are flying like an eagle, you get shot down.

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“Sayonara cheater”


He said he was divorced. After several times of him coming to my house and realizing he never invited me to his, I questioned him about the ex. He swears they live apart. I checked the local Court database to see if he’d ever filed for divorce. Nope. He hadn’t. Sayonara cheater.

—Stupid Girl

Aftermath: He still blows up my phone insisting they are separated and living apart. One lie–that big–is automatic strike 3. Sorry, not pitchin’ anymore.

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“Stay Classy”


We met in college. She was attractive and I wanted to date, but she kept me at arm’s length. When she told me that she liked dating married men because it was “safer” I cooled to a friendship. Then I met my future wife. When I told my classmate about my serious relationship, she came on to me like I was the last man on earth.


Aftermath: I have been married for 32 years and this is the first time I have thought about her in a long time.

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“Going Offline”


I’d been emailing this guy for a week, then we had our first phone call. He asked me if I played Eve Online. I said no. Then he started bragging about his financial prowess in the game. I said I needed to hang up three or four times, but he kept talking. I put the phone down to brush my teeth, and he didn’t notice. Then I hung up.

—Gamer chick

Aftermath: He called back, I didn’t answer. Then he sent an email saying our phones had been cut off, and when can he call me again? I replied, Never.

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