


best of sex

During sex, she called me by the wrong name. Worse, it was her roommate’s name. Then she did it again. Also, her roommate was gay.


Aftermath: That was about it for me.


“The Other Girl”

best of sex

In high school, I kept hooking up with an ex after he dumped me for a new girl who easily had 20 pounds on me. I hated her, so I didn’t care that I was the other girl. This continued through part of college, until they broke up. He still wanted to hook up, even though he had another new girlfriend. I realized that I’d only been sleeping with him out of spite for all those years.

–The Other One No More

Aftermath: I never hooked up with him again. He is still with his new girlfriend, and has probably cheated on her too. I have met someone who is so much better for me and to me, and will never be the other girl again.


“Kegel Homework”

best of sex

We were having sex and he asked me if I could “tighten my sh*t up.” I hopped off. He kissed my shoulder and passed out drunk.

—He was a good kisser

Aftermath: Never talked to him again.

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“Dumb A**”

best of sex

He asked if the blow job I gave him the night before could have gotten me pregnant.


Aftermath: I spent a couple of weeks in denial before I finally broke it off, but I felt so much better once I did.


“Lost erection”


This may sound superficial & selfish but my moment came when he couldn’t get it up…I am a very sexual person & not having compatibility in this arena–it’s a major deal breaker. I tried dealing with it, but after a while I just couldn’t. It started out great, his sex drive was right there along with mine but then it kinda slowed down a bit & then the lost erection thing started…that was it!


Aftermath: The relationship ended 2 days after our last attempt. The funny thing is that he blamed this on me for, get this, being too pretty & sensual for him…WTF? How is that even a reason? Sigh…