

“Exotic Massage”

best of secrets!

My friends were going through the (gay) exotic massages and other sexual offers on Craigslist and laughing at how funny some of them sounded. They got to one that had a familiar number. It was my boyfriend’s number.

—Jane Doe

Aftermath: Had a guy friend set up a time and place to meet him. I was there too and broke up with him.

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“Spice Girls Surprise”

best of secrets!

My boyfriend & I moved in together, and one night I came home late after work. The lights were on, music was blaring. I opened the bedroom door and found my boyfriend drunk and smoking in my neon pink bra and panties. He was singing his heart out to the Spice Girls!


Aftermath: I pulled out my camera out of my purse & our relationship was over in a snap & a flash. After I dated him, I became a lesbian. So just remember life is full of surprises—just like the look on his face when I opened the door and just happened to have a camera in my purse.



best of secrets!

I hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days so I checked his Facebook page. There I saw that his sister had posted a request to borrow $2,500 for three weeks to get him out of jail. Nobody in their family could help him.


Aftermath: If they can’t help him, I am not going to.

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“Someone Else”


I slept with another guy and told my original boyfriend that I kissed him and I was so sorry but he still dumped me.


Aftermath: He later took me back and as soon as I fell in love with him, he knew it and he dumped me.


“Cheating Liar”

best of secrets!

When he told me (a girl) that he’d just cheated on me with another man.


Aftermath: We broke up and it’s probably for the best.

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