

“The Devil Inside”

best of sex

One night just before having sex, my girlfriend started slapping me and pulling my hair all the time yelling at me that I was the Devil.

— Vince

Aftermath: I never saw her again.


“The Diaper”

best of weird

First night I slept over she insisted I wear a diaper to bed. Apparently her ex was a bedwetter and since I had been drinking she didn’t want to take a chance.

— K

Aftermath: I never slept at her place again. It’s over now.

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“Gang Bang”

best of sex

She told that she was involved in a gang bang.

— squid

Aftermath: Thank God we were only dating for two weeks.


“Tryin’ to give me a hint?”

best of manners

He sent me some online weight loss tips.

— Lori

Aftermath: I never heard from him again.

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best of secrets!

My best friend and I were talking about how excited we were that we were both pregnant, and she asked my advice on how she was going to tell the father of her baby – my husband.

— Maxxx

Aftermath: She didn’t have her baby, and I got divorced.

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