


best of sex

After a year of what I thought was a pretty strong relationship, she suddenly decided she wanted to see other people. “What other people?” I asked. “Girls,” she replied.


Aftermath: It pretty much ended right then and there, although it took her two weeks to get all of her crap out of my apartment…


“Athiest morals”

best of clashes

He told me that he didn’t believe you can have morals if you weren’t raised in the church. My dad is an atheist and my mother a lapsed Lutheran. I am also an atheist; he knew all of this.


Aftermath: We broke up a few months later, remained roommates for a few more months after that. We are both in the process of moving out. We are still best friends.


“Divorce papers”

best of secrets!

I knew it was over when his wife called me to find out where she could send the divorce papers.


Aftermath: She and I are friends. Who knows where he is now?


“Completing the Family”

best of sex

He brought his ex-wife to our dinner date. Not only was her name the same as mine, but he explained that they were looking to complete their family. He then proceeded to tell me the rules of the house and punishment for breaking those rules (something about flogging). Yeah, that wasn’t happening.


Aftermath: They are still looking for their third!


“Princess & the pee”

best of weird

I had a dream where I was a princess and he was a commoner. He took me away from my life cooped up in the palace and I was free, freer than ever before as we rode away on a white horse. Then we dismounted in a secluded glade, and he started peeing on my feet. No matter where I moved or how I tried to get away, he kept pissing on my feet and laughing at how upset I was getting. Things have been going downhill for a while, but I woke up with a light bulb over my head after that.


Aftermath: The end is in sight.