“Police and pills”

best of secrets!

Shortly before our wedding, I was worriedly waiting up for him—he had gone to pick up a friend from the airport and five hours later, he hadn’t even called. Around 2 a.m., I got a call from the police station. He’d been pulled over for speeding, the cops had searched the car and had found random pills on him. That, turns out, he’d stolen from my dad—whom the cops made him call to assure them the pills in question were, in fact, Viagra, and not something more nefarious.


Aftermath: We wound up getting married. Extremely dumb move on my part. Now getting divorced, 4 years later.


3 Responses to “Police and pills”

  1. stax says on :

    What’s that Rolling Stones song about that little yellow pill and Mother’s Little Helper?

  2. sirfant says on :

    yes but this was a blue pill and johnson’s little helper.stealing from daddy should have been a red flag but as we all know,love is blind.

  3. MajorKelly says on :

    Clearly you DIDN’T know it was over then since you went ahead and married him. This is just hindsight saying, “I should’ve known it was over when…” That doesn’t count!