“You Can’t”

best of weird

I’d been with this guy for 9 months or so, and things had been going downhill for a while. One day I was finally fed up, and called him to break up. He actually said, “You can’t break up with me. I won’t let you.” My response was “Well, you really have no choice in the matter. We’re done.”


Aftermath: He continued to tell people we were together, including mutual friends. They thought I was being terrible to him, even though I told them what had happened. I lost a lot of friends over the fact that he refused to believe that I had, in fact, broken up with him. But considering the guy, I’m glad I broke contact completely.


One Response to “You Can’t”

  1. kane201 says on :

    A girl did this to me too. One night after a long conversation we broke up, her response? “No.” I said No? she said I refuse to let you break up with me….I said well it happened.