“You live and you learn”

best of clashes

Met girl. Liked girl. Moved in together. Then we fought all the time. She threw food at me, kept me prisoner during fights, chased me down the street screaming in her nightgown at 2 a.m. Once I finally escaped (yes the cops came to our door after that), she threatened to kill herself repeatedly.

— EP

Aftermath: You live and you learn. I learned that I was a glutton for punishment and that I don’t need to tolerate the crazies. She learned? Well I guess I will never know. I moved out. Haven’t heard from her since. In a fantastic relationship now with a wonderful girl who treats me right. You live and you learn.


2 Responses to “You live and you learn”

  1. Wendy413. says on :

    she chased you down the road? sorry, but thats hilarious lmao.

  2. squitz says on :

    Although the lessons can sometimes be hard to take, Experience is the best teacher. Glad you found someone with whom you are happy!