

“Keep On Lovin’ You”

best of secrets!

Every once in a while my wife would play REO Speedwagon’s “Hi Infidelity” album non-stop. I finally caught on that when she did it meant she was cheating.

— Big Pete

Aftermath: We’re divorced…BUT I STILL CAN’T STAND THAT ALBUM!

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“Erasing His Memory”

best of secrets!

He failed to mention that he bought a new house across the country and was moving a month after I’d had his name tattooed on me.

— Anonymous

Aftermath: After 8 laser removal treatments I’m still trying to erase his memory.


“Psychotic Ex-Girlfriends”

best of secrets! Uncategorized

I’m in college. I meet some dude. He seems cute. He asks me out on a date. We go out. We go back to his apartment to hang out. His ex-girlfriend shows up at the door. He has me hide in the bedroom while they fight. For 3 hours.

— buttercrunch

Aftermath: I never agreed to a second date although he made several attempts to schedule one. He semi-stalked me for about a month after that, until I floated the word around campus that he was a bit stalker-ish. He stopped.

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best of secrets!

He took me out a lot, and even asked my friends to join. He’d never let anyone pay.

— J.

Aftermath: He called me from jail and asked me to bail him out. He was forging checks. I stopped answering the phone.

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“Army Brat”

best of secrets!

We dated for a month when he told me he was going into the military. He called me the night before he “left.” I never heard from him again. 

— JA

Aftermath: Found out he made the whole thing up.

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