

“Prettied down”


I knew it was over when I got all gussied up and he told me I was dressed too nicely for the theater. I should put back on my t-shirt and jeans. Fuck that noise.


Aftermath: I packed a truck with all of my books and clothes and moved to Chicago the next day.

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“My shirt was off”

best of manners

She was rubbing my shoulders. My shirt was off, allowing me to feel the warm exhale of her belch before I nosed the cloud of cheeseburger and Clamato gas that engulfed me. She said nothing and kept humming as if nothing had happened.


Aftermath: It was long distance already, making it easy enough to just quit.


“Blew his nose”


At the end of dinner at a high-end restaurant, he blew his nose into a cloth napkin.


Aftermath: That was it. Gross.


“The second his fingers”


My long-distance boyfriend and I took a holiday vacation together. He was sick and had the sniffles all weekend. The sniffling was annoying, but I cut him some slack since he was sick. On the last day of our trip, using his fingers, he combed boogers out of his protruding nose hair and ate them. It was over the second his fingers hit his lips.


Aftermath: I resisted the urge to dump him in the airport before we parted ways, but did so 2 weeks later over the phone. I didn’t tell him the reason.


“Used massage oil”


He gave me a used massage oil candle for a going away present when I was moving home to take care of my dying mother.


Aftermath: He called me about a month later to express his condolences after her passing. Shortly thereafter he changed his Facebook status to say he was in a relationship with someone else.

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