“Not making this up”


I sent my hubby to the store. Hours pass. Finally 3 a.m. comes about and here he comes stumbling in drunk, without my car or groceries. When I questioned him he said “I don’t know where the car is, and you sent me for food? I thought you said booze.” Swore he wasn’t cheating and then passed out. I was supposed to be at work in two hours.

— bee

Aftermath: Borrowed a car and found mine miraciously in my work parking lot! Unfortunately I had tire damage and had to call a tow truck. I had to explain to my boss. When we got the car back to my house a naked blonde pops up from the backseat of my car!!


One Response to “Not making this up”

  1. MajorKelly says on :

    Never saw that that on “I Love Lucy”. :-p