“Counter Attack”
It was over when I came home and found a Ziploc bag filled with poo left on my kitchen counter next to a note “Had a great time—you rocked my night! xxx” with her phone number. She had broken the toilet and I guess was too mortified to leave her business in the bowl, so she scooped it out, bagged it and forgot it on the counter.
Aftermath: I never heard from her again, but her roommate told me she was devastated. We really did have great chemistry, but in the end…
I wonder what she used to scoop it out…
This was a commercial wasn’t it? Hmmmmm
Yep, here it is…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgB8uuWfX5M
Nice try.
This is completely fake! How lame do you have to be to invent a story for this site?