“Dirty T-shirt”


We were set up by friends. He showed up at my house, unshaven, wearing a dirty T-shirt and jeans. We went back to his house where I thought he would shower, shave, etc. Nope. He had some beer. We went bowling and had dinner, and had a good time. I chalked up the beginning to nerves. After dinner, we went back to his house for game of “He Attempts To Grope Me While I Squirm Away.” I finally made him take me home.


Aftermath: We never went out again, and I found out a few months later that he was going around town telling people that we’d had sex that night. Pig.

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“Heated salads”


She bought a gift for herself and pretended it was from me. She also heated her salads in the microwave.


Aftermath: We dated only about a month. The gift was a bracelet that said, “Love.”

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“Devil’s roses”


He would buy me roses, the yellow ones with the red tips. Two months later, he told me that the devil told him we were meant to be together. The roses where the devil’s pick.


Aftermath: That night I ended it. He stalked me a few weeks. Luckily he moved and I never heard from him again.

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I was cleaning under my bed and found three 2-liter bottles full of spit and tobacco from his chewing tobacco habit. Later, I found out that he told his parents he had a night job and no girlfriend! We dated for 9 months!


Aftermath: Lasted more one week and that was only because I wanted him to be in another country for the breakup.

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“Brotherly Love”


His stepsister sent me a video message of them having sex, with my favorite picture of me and him hanging visibly in the background.


Aftermath: I broke up with him the next day. He cried and told me I was only dumping him because he was black.

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