

“WINNER! Control Freak”

best of weird

At our wedding reception, he pulled me aside chewed me out and called me slut because my wedding dress showed too much cleavage, even though the lace went from top of cleavage to neck.

—Young and Dumb

Aftermath: Stayed married for 10 years with out being able to wear shorts, makeup, tank tops or any type of v-neck shirt without being called a slut. Guess I’m a slow learner but happy as hell when I could finally wear shorts in 100 degree weather.


“WINNER! Second Coming”

best of weird

On our second date, she informed me she was pregnant. Mind you, we didn’t do a damn thing. After I pointed this out, she claimed it to be an Immaculate Conception. And I’m quoting her, “I might be the next Virgin Mary.” I just walked out of the restaurant.


Aftermath: It was high school. Got some jackass to date her and the live in some trailer park. Oh and she was never pregnant, just stupid.

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We were in the middle of our equally appreciated morning sex, when she stopped and informed me she could not continue until I apologized to her for the position I chose to sleep in after a night of drinking together.


Aftermath: I gave her everything I had for 19 months, a week after this occurrence I gave up hoping she would figure herself out. She had some serious self esteem issues. I recommended therapy, but she blamed me for it all. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m still in love with who she could be.

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best of weird

She told me she was spending the weekend at the beach with a guy she met on an Internet video game to “figure out how I feel about him, face-to-face.”


Aftermath: She ended up with another guy she met on the same video game.


“Saw This One Coming”

sex weird

Met cute boy. Had sex with cute boy. A lot of sex. For a full year, had sex with said boy. Didn’t have much of anything outside of the bed play and dirty texts. I knew it was over when he left his current girlfriend of three years for his best (girl) friend from high school…although she left her husband because she has mental problems.


Aftermath: Turns out she really is psychotic and keeps a tight leash on him. They now have a baby girl. Isn’t that sweet?