

“His Friend”

best of manners

My boyfriend assumed that my wanting to introduce him to my best friend meant “we must set her up on a blind date with his friend.” His friend, however, was 7 years younger than her, had borrowed his dad’s truck for the night & kept touching her knee under the table. And yet, he was irritated and confused by the fact that she was not receptive to this. Then, when we got up to leave after he admitted he was actually engaged, he called us bitches and whores.


Aftermath: When my guy just sat there and laughed throughout the whole thing, I ended it that night.

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“One, Please”

best of manners

My sister set me up on a date. He picked me up, drove us to a movie theater, stepped up to the ticket window and said, “One, please.”


Aftermath:  No second date.  My sister said he was notoriously cheap, and I ended up avoiding him at my sister’s gatherings for a year until he stopped trying to talk to me.


“You’re hot but…”

best of manners

About five months in to the relationship, I asked him why I hadn’t met any of his friends. He said, “Well, I think you’re hot but I think they would say ‘She’s not that attractive’.”


Aftermath: It took me another month or so before I realized I couldn’t forgive him that and broke up with him via instant message.

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“Divorce Dilemma”


I told him I was going home to be with my parents while they were finalizing their divorce. He made a lame commentthen gasped. He said he forgot his parents’ anniversary the week before and spent five minutes trying to remember if he had sent a card or not, if they noticed he hadn’t sent a card, if his dad’s tone of voice had changed on the phone, etc., etc.


Aftermath: I let him stay through the night and then did the mature thing and ignored his calls.




I was exhausted and had to drive five hours at night, through a whiteout snowstorm where I couldn’t see 2 ft. in front of me—let alone the lines on the unfamiliar highway. He slept and disgustingly snored from the passenger seat the entire time!


Aftermath: It was long distance. He went home and we broke up a few weeks later. Haven’t heard much more than an angry text message since then.

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