“My shirt was off”

best of manners

She was rubbing my shoulders. My shirt was off, allowing me to feel the warm exhale of her belch before I nosed the cloud of cheeseburger and Clamato gas that engulfed me. She said nothing and kept humming as if nothing had happened.


Aftermath: It was long distance already, making it easy enough to just quit.


3 Responses to “My shirt was off”

  1. XenPen says on :

    So I guess you rolling over and letting out a silent-yet-deadly poot in her general direction while sleeping was sooo appealing. Ditching because of a burp is pretty superficial. Not saying you HAVE to stay with a person for whatever reason; I’m just sayin’. Burps and farts don’t smell like roses.

  2. Aroneus says on :

    I don’t see where the author mentions farting on the girl in question. Maybe he was put off by her inability to turn her head a mere 90 degrees before cutting loose. But thank you, commenter above, for pointing out that air released from one’s stomach or colon may not smell like flowers.

  3. Coleslaw72 says on :

    That made me laugh, disgusting but very very funny.