“Mama’s Boy”

best of quirks

He talked to his mother so much he would even answer the phone at the movies!! One day I called him and he told me he couldn’t talk because he was painting her toe nails.

— Mari

Aftermath: I told him it wasn’t working out. His mother called me the next day to ask why.


2 Responses to “Mama’s Boy”

  1. monkey34 says on :

    That’s what you call and Oedipus complex.

  2. The Mother Son Relationship: How Women Feel About Men and Their Mommies - says on :

    […] The idea to write a post on the subject of the mother son relationship stemmed from the website, “It was Over When…” by Robert K. Elder. On the website, people write in and share their stories that begin with “I knew it was over when…” […]