“WINNER! Control Freak”

best of weird

At our wedding reception, he pulled me aside chewed me out and called me slut because my wedding dress showed too much cleavage, even though the lace went from top of cleavage to neck.

—Young and Dumb

Aftermath: Stayed married for 10 years with out being able to wear shorts, makeup, tank tops or any type of v-neck shirt without being called a slut. Guess I’m a slow learner but happy as hell when I could finally wear shorts in 100 degree weather.


One Response to “WINNER! Control Freak”

  1. Nix says on :

    I really hate these stories like “this was when it was over, but we didn’t break up for ten more years”. If you were together for an extended period of time after the incident, then it wasn’t when it was over.