
best of clashes

I graduated against the odds after the hardest year of my life (finishing my law degree from home whilst caring for terminally ill my father). Proudly, I asked my partner of 5 years to come to my graduation. He didn’t see the point in ‘celebrating me’ for a day, and when he saw how hurt I was he called me self-centered. I had to beg him to attend.


Aftermath: We broke up a week later over this and various other belittling acts. He made me believe I was insignificant and unexciting so I would just stay home with him. I took him back twice more after he promised that he would change. Three months and a lot of empty promises later, I left him for good. I feel like me again.


One Response to “Self-centered?”

  1. MainAttraction says on :

    You deserved to celebrate yourself!
    I’m glad you moved on. What a big asshole he was!