clashes manners
It was a blind date. I got in the car and he started berating me for not thanking him for the flowers – which I didn’t receive. He called and yelled at the flower shop for not completing the delivery. At dinner, he yelled at the waitress when she stopped by to take our drink order. I begged off the rest of the date and he took me home. Before parting ways he handed me a gift bag containing banana scented bubble bath and said, “I was thinking we could try it out. Banana is a very sensual scent.”
Aftermath: No bubble bath for him that night. I tossed the stuff out as soon as I got in the door. I never spoke to him again.
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manners sex
I thought I’d show around the new girl in school. Needless to say she called me a short time later, and we were messing around but I had no condom so she proceeded to give me the best BJ known to man. Afterwards, I made the mistake of telling a friend, who told her, “I hear you suck good.” Great line…
Aftermath: She told me that my friend ruined all chances for me in trying to experience her greatly aquired skills for himself. Afterwards she was passed around the school, and I kinda felt lucky I was first in line. BTW STD FREE 
clashes manners
It was over when he stopped talking to me for a whole night because he cooked a meal with cheese and black pepper in it and I refused to eat it. I’m lactose intolerant and allergic to black pepper, both facts which he knew.
Aftermath: I moved out three months ago and told him I didn’t want to be with him.
clashes manners
Should have realized it was over when, on my birthday, he took me to a sports bar so we could watch football, knowing full well I despise the sport. It was the only time we ever went out. He would also take me over to our friends’ house at least twice a week to watch the sport.
Aftermath: Lasted two more months. Still haven’t figured out why I let it go on that long. Now I’m dating his best friend and have found true love.
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We were together for a year or so, then she asked me one day if I would be okay with her dating another guy while being in a relationship with me…
Aftermath: Two weeks later I told her I was tired of her sh*t and left.