

“Wished they were me,”


On a date he saw that I was dancing with someone else. He drove us home in complete silence and told me he wasted his Friday night and had other women who wished they were me.

— done w men

Aftermath: He sent me texts that we should at least try to be f*** buddies.

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“Too Fast”


My boyfriend and I had been dating for about 6 weeks or so, when we were attending the ordination of a friend of my family. He remarked to me afterwards that he hoped that it would be just as lovely a day on our wedding day…..

— shadyladynz

Aftermath: We dated for a week or so afterwards, but I realized that it was too much too soon and ended it. I have never seen him again.

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“Hand Holding”


He wouldn’t hold my hand in public.

— Sweetjane

Aftermath: I had a lot of things I wanted to experience with him but I won’t get to.

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We met online and exchanged pics. He was hot. When we met at a restaurant for our first date I saw that his teeth were totally broken and rotten and black!!

— skido

Aftermath: I excused myself to the restroom and made a hasty getaway throught the kitchen!!


“I don’t practice polyamory”


We went on 6 dates and his best friend was present for every single one of them. He would never tell me beforehand. 

— Tiff

Aftermath: I quit talking to him.

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