“World of Warcraft (redux)”


It was over when I realized that I didn’t love him, that I was in love with someone else, someone who didn’t put the World of Warcraft before me.

—It’s Okay

Aftermath: It lasted another week and I never had the guts to tell the other guy that I loved him. I found out many months later, when I moved across the country, that he had always loved me too.


2 Responses to “World of Warcraft (redux)”

  1. XenPen says on :

    You should’ve created an account and played WoW instead of being a WoW-widow. 😛

    I kid, I kid. I love the game myself, and luckily my ex liked playing World of Warcraft too. It’s also okay that you are not into gaming; different strokes for different folks, etc etc. Gaming shouldn’t take over a relationship, though couples that play video games together do usually stay together. Should nothing else come in the way of the relationship, of course.

    There are many things out there to have fun with than games, and sometimes I wish we did do more than playing games and geeking out. Partying with friends was a higher priority than having a girlfriend for my ex, but I just needed to get out and get a life for myself.

    I hope to find a near-perfect balance games, parties, and real-life adventures with someone who will like and appreciate me for me. I hope you find or have found the same.

  2. raja says on :

    I had a similar experience. All except that I am a gamer (not a shut-in), and I told the other man how i felt. We are now engaged.
    If someone isn’t willing to share their time with you, there is no reason to share yours with them.