

First date-went to a regular restaurant. She ordered the most expensive item on the menu. Later we stopped at a comedy club, and she ordered the highest liquor they had.


Aftermath: Took her home and never called again


4 Responses to “Spoiled”

  1. reggiemcfarlin says on :

    You are a cheapo for even noticing that. You said regular restaraunt, not high-end so who cares? Say something about her personality or something else that is actually important.

  2. eckiddo says on :

    that’s when you split the order.
    it would serve her right.

  3. Fabu Lous says on :

    She wasn’t interested in you. She only wanted to see what she could get out of you in a short amount of time. Good for you for cutting your losses quickly.

  4. tjm_nc says on :

    I assume she didn’t call you either…