

“Never Put First”

clashes manners

We went out for five years. I was never put first. I went to a funeral with him. He said we’d be an hour or so. Turned into over seven hours. I said nothing. When we left I asked him if we could stop for food. He said no, as he had to go meet his buddies to play hockey for the remainder of  the evening.

— G to Hill Bill

Aftermath: He did try to change but I dumped him.

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After six years of taking care of him, his two daughters, and the financial end of his business, he told me he I wasn’t pretty and he didn’t love me anymore!!!

— bongluvinlady

Aftermath: Six months later he calls all the time and wants me back. Hind sight is always 20/20.

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“Broken hand broken heart”


We were together two years and ready to leave for college. He dumped me at my graduation party and didn’t talk to me for a few weeks. He told me he wanted nothing to do with me, not even be friends.

— emb

Aftermath: A month later, he found out I met someone else and he punched a brick wall and broke his hand. He called me the next day saying it was my fault his hand was broken. We haven’t talked in over 4 years.

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“Keg Stand”


My boyfriend of 2 years and I were on vacation with friends. On the last night he was furious at me for refusing to do a keg stand. Seriously. It really hit me that night that we would never end up together.

— Jane

Aftermath: That night I texted a co-worker of mine to vent. Six years later and that co-worker is now my husband.

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“Pathological Liar”


I was engaged to my childhood sweetheart. We had money issues, so he moved back in with his parents, in another state. I started receiving past due notices on bills that he had put in my name, that I was unaware of. When I questioned him about them, he said he would send money to pay the bills. A month later, I received a bankruptcy notice…FOR HIM! He had filed me as a creditor under his bankruptcy!

— eddie

Aftermath: I called him to break up with him over the phone, since he was in another state. His father would NOT get off the line while I did this as he was concerned I would demand money. I did not & ended the relationship.

Fast forward 15 years. He contacted me trying to get me back & tried to use money to lure me. LOL

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