

I said we needed to spend at least one evening a week and one afternoon or evening a weekend together if he wanted this marriage to work. He said I was “unreasonsble” — and went out yet again with his drinking buddies.


Aftermath: I’m way less lonely now that I’m alone.

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“Dinner Party Drinking Disaster”


I knew it was over when he showed up at a dinner party I was invited to WITHOUT me and got so drunk that my friends called me to complain. 2 months later, I came back to school from a bad weekend home, and he dumped me after 5 minutes. His friends (who helped hook us up) talked him into it (while drinking), saying we were “too serious”. They were all engaged to be married


Aftermath: Some months later, I was leaving the dorm to go out (dressed just a shade punk), and ended up holding the door open for a couple in Armani suits. His parents asked who I was. He claimed to not know.

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“Too much, too fast.”


She started coming to my band’s gigs. She was 7 years older than me. We went to a movie… once! Suddenly I started getting cards in the mail with hand-written messages like, “I think I’m in love!” After ONE MOVIE. I, as gently as possible, broke up with her. Her girlfriend was there and angrily kicked me out.


Aftermath: Six months later, she came to a gig with her NEW HUSBAND, whom she’d met 4 months earlier. Definitely dodged a bullet.

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secrets! Uncategorized

I knew it was over when, after a month, we were on our way to watch a meteor shower, and she hid from her ex-bf’s friend because she didn’t want him to see us together.


Aftermath: I knew at that moment that I was a secret indulgence since we usually went out to places where she wouldn’t run into other people. It wasn’t surprising when the next day I got an email from her saying she didn’t want to be together.

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“Lessons Learned”


My husband at the time said, “I can’t do this anymore.” We got into a fight about having a baby (I wanted to and he didn’t), and he cheated and got the girl pregnant right after.


Aftermath: I have since remarried a wonderful man and just had a beautiful baby boy. But part of me wants to know what happened and why he hurt me like that.

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