

“The Kitchen”

best of secrets!

It ended when my son walked into the kitchen and my fiancé was having oral sex with a friend of mine.


Aftermath: It lasted long enough for me to allow him to pack his stuff.




Our mediocre, long-distance, barely sexual relationship had crossed the one-year mark when he informed me he’d decided to spend his summer off learning Spanish in Guatemala instead of with me. Regardless, I tried to be supportive. When his emails grew increasingly brief a few weeks into his study abroad, I scheduled a mandatory phone date, and caught him in a lie: He’d met someone and cheated. I hung up, packed up his things and ignored the weak stream of apologetic emails and voicemails that followed.


Aftermath: We never saw each other again. Through the grapevine I learned he got married less than a year later…and had a baby. (Oops.) I have since met the man of my dreams and, as much as we love traveling together, we will never go to Guatemala.

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It was over when I found out he had a wife and kids in Louisiana!


Aftermath: It ended right then and there for me…he continued to try and get me back for 3 years but not ever leaving his wife.

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I had been dating my boyfriend for 6 months when a discussion of the impending holidays came up. He hesitated to fully commit to an answer about me joining him for what would’ve been our first Thanksgiving together with his kids and his family out of state. I later discovered his hesitation was because his ex-wife would be joining them.


Aftermath: We have been off and on ever since, but without any real commitment.

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“Liar, Liar, Pants on FIRE”

best of secrets!

I found out that she gave me herpes knowingly and proceeded to lie about it for 6 months. She even let me go through the motions of letting me call people I was with before to tell them they may be at risk.


Aftermath: I, like a fool, tried to forgive her. It was impossible. Also, she lied about sleeping with my best friend, and gave him herpes, too.

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