
best of manners

I knew it was over when his mom started speaking to him in Russian and he answered back in Russian–leaving me totally out of the loop and standing around like an idiot.


Aftermath: We broke up. No subtitles required.


3 Responses to “Subtitles”

  1. zgodsill200 says on :

    Wow. It was probably none of your business. He should be happy he isn’t with you anymore.

  2. ko90 says on :

    This makes you look like an ignorant xenophobe.

    It’s probable that being old enough to be a mother of an adult, she doesn’t know much English, and why should she? She’s old enough to have earnt due respect.

    I’m guessing if you were anywhere near his mother then you were in her house. She can speak whatever language she likes in her house.

    In a lot of ethnicities, it is respectful for the children to speak to their parents in their native tongue.

    In all likelihood, you were probably going to stand around like an idiot, regardless of whether you understood the conversation.

    Get off the computer, go outside and learn something.

  3. MajorKelly says on :

    Since it was his mom, he should probably get a pass. But it would be rude of him to do that with almost anyone else.