

It was over when I found out that she was bipolar, had somehow kept this from me for almost 2 years, and had decided she didn’t need medication.


Aftermath: Three days.


4 Responses to “Bipolar”

  1. eckiddo says on :

    i broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years because he was diabetic and it suddenly disrupted our relationship. because it is a legitimate excuse. moron.

  2. Craigy says on :

    Interesting how it’s okay for you eckiddo but not for them. Don’t call other people morons when you’re a big hypocrite.

  3. eckiddo says on :

    the internet needs a sarcasm mark.

  4. Mysterion says on :

    As far as Micky’s predicament, hopefully you love her enough after two years to help her cope with her disorder and be there for her when she needs you.
    EC, I appreciate your sarcasm and suggest Arj Barker’s standup. He proposes some new fonts including “sarcastica” haha.
    P.S. Thanks for telling me about this site! -Mark