“Should’ve Registered”

best of secrets!

I could not reach my husband by cell phone one day (unusual) and found out he had been arrested. His mom had bailed him out and they told me why, as she was crying and holding our 6-month-old twins. He had failed to mention to me when we married that he was a sex offender and was arrested that day for failing to register our new address.


Aftermath: Lasted another 2 years. I was pissed, but we were married. He cheated, we divorced, and they had an attorney that helped him get custody of our twin girls! I had no attorney–my ex took everything!


3 Responses to “Should’ve Registered”

  1. spaceinyerface says on :

    Um, I’m sorry but there must be more to the story. No judge would give custody of two small children to a registered sex offender unless the other parent was somehow rendered even more incompetent.

  2. broomy says on :

    Agreed. I call bs.

  3. Fabu Lous says on :

    Yea, I agree with the other comments. A good attorney isn’t enough to get a sex offender custody if the other parent is a competent mother.
    So out with it. What is YOUR story?