“Out of body experience”


We dated 2 years. Valentine’s Day. Big fight. Hot make up sex. She says to me afterwards, “During our fight, I was standing at the foot of the bed watching us argue. I was thinking to myself, Don’t be so mean to him. He really is a nice guy.” Stand at the foot of the bed watching herself?!


Next morning I walked her to the front door and told her we were done. She calmly said OK without any emotion and turned and walked away. I never saw her again.


2 Responses to “Out of body experience”

  1. InstantCharisma says on :

    It means she had a very strong realization of the way she was treating you, dumbass.

  2. Yobwoc says on :

    Yes… I agree InstsntCharisma.
    She also sounds like a spiritual person – His loss