“Sick Bubblegum”


He had just gotten home from a family reunion out west and, wanting to surprise him, I went over to his apartment without telling him. As I pull up to the building, I hear a voice scream “SICK BUBBLEGUM!!” and then this absolutely massive, awful racket coming from the fourth floor. I look up, and as it turns out, that’s him, chilling out on his balcony with these giant speakers I never knew he had.

— nobassforme

Aftermath: Put off but determined, I went up to his apartment, and called his phone to let me in. He immediately came out, so I asked him what he was playing. with a perplexed look, he replied it was Skrillex, and when I asked if he could please turn it off so we could chat, he scowled, screamed “love me, love my bass!!”, and slammed the door in my face. Never heard from him again, except for that awful noise every time I drive by his house..


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