“They deserve each other”


I should have known it was over after I bought myself a very expensive Christmas present and he offered to pay me for it so he wouldn’t have to go buy me something himself.

 I should have known it was over when talking about getting married he said “Why not? If it doesn’t work, we’ll just get a divorce.”

 It WAS over when, after moving to another state for him and having a hard time adjusting, he said “If you’re so miserable here, just go home.” We were married.

—Better Off Without Him

Aftermath: Two days later, I was packed and driving home. He told his family that he was coming to see me to get back. He was coming to see the girl he had started sleeping with before we had moved. She ended up knocked up. He ended up stuck with her. They deserve each other.


One Response to “They deserve each other”

  1. Yobwoc says on :

    Wow, Surely you must have been warned with his first comment before you got married? And then it does sound like you weren’t happy and so was probably both your faults.
    Learn from this and listen carefully to any comment or gesture your partner may make… May you find the man of your dreams, he is out there waiting for you.