“Crap Chef”

clashes manners

It was over when he stopped talking to me for a whole night because he cooked a meal with cheese and black pepper in it and I refused to eat it. I’m lactose intolerant and allergic to black pepper, both facts which he knew.


Aftermath: I moved out three months ago and told him I didn’t want to be with him.


4 Responses to “Crap Chef”

  1. sirfant says on :

    if i were him i’d have broke up with you for being alergic to pepper let alone being lactose intolerant.

  2. scroller says on :

    I have to agree with sirfant. The lactose/pepper allergy combo would be very annoying after a while. I recommend that you date scrawny vegans that don’t eat anyway.

  3. Yobwoc says on :

    Wow the precious comments were a bit harsh.

    He was obviously not respecting you for him to do that – without thinking.

    I wonder what other allergies you have?
    Hang in there there are nice guys out here.
    Big Hug

  4. scroller says on :

    Did you mean precious or previous, Kcabekorb?